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Invite Team Members to Collaborate on Groups of Screens

How to Manage Groups of Screens

As a workspace owner, you can invite people to collaborate on your groups. Depending on the role that you’ve set, people will have different permissions.

What are “Roles” and “Collaboration” about?

Anyone who has registered with Kitcast is now the “workspace owner,” or as we call it – an “Owner.”
As an Owner, you can add new users to your Kitcast account. Depending on the role that you’ve set, people will have different permissions.

To invite new people to collaborate on your specific groups of screens or the whole workspace: go to the “Users” tab. You can also remove any users you no longer want there.

Знімок екрана 2024-11-26 о 17.14.14

Managers: Can only manage the playlist of the specific groups where they were invited. They can create/remove widgets, change schedules, and upload content. Managers cannot create groups, as they are invited only to specific groups. They also can’t invite new people, see or change payment info, or make any purchases. When you invite someone as a manager, you can grant access to one or several groups at once, which provides more flexibility.

Admins: Can manage everything, including inviting new people, creating new groups, managing access permissions, updating payment info, or making new purchases.

Boom, that’s it!

Start inviting managers to each group or administrators to handle all of them.

Once you've entered the email and sent the invitation, the only remaining step is for the invited Manager or Admin to sign up to the Kitcast dashboard with the email address you specified.

If the manager has already been invited to one of your groups, you can easily add them to any other, if needed.